Builder's Information
Sprinkler Systems
All new homes are required to be protected with an approved automatic fire sprinkler system in accordance with NFPA 13-D and local amendments.
The District has had a Class “A” roofing requirement since 1996. In May 1997, the County of San Diego enacted a Class “A” roofing ordinance for all unincorporated parts of the County.
Fire Hydrants
A fire hydrant capable of delivering 1500 g.p.m. with a 20 p.s.i. residual shall be installed within 600 feet of each home as measured along an improved driving route. Hydrants 75 feet away, but down an embankment or over a fence, for example, do not meet this requirement. Residential hydrants shall have one 4-inch and one 2 ½-inch discharge.
A blue reflective marker shall be placed in the street to identify the location of the fire hydrant. It shall be placed 12-18 inches off the centerline towards the side of the road the hydrant is on.
All hydrants and roads shall be in service prior to the framing phase of construction. No combustible construction materials shall be stored at the project without hydrants and roads being in service.
All access roads/driveways serving one single family dwelling require a paved all-weather surface and a minimum width of 16 feet.
All access roads/driveways serving two dwellings or more require a paved all-weather surface and a minimum width of 24 feet.
If street parking is desired on one side, an additional 8 feet is required.
Parking is allowed on both sides of a 36-foot (curb-to-curb) road.
Cul-de-sacs shall have a minimum diameter of 72 feet. If on-street parking is desired, the minimum diameter becomes 88 feet.
Fire lanes or driveways exceeding 150 feet from the road are required to have an approved fire apparatus turn-around. Code requires fire lanes or driveways from 0-15% grade be constructed of asphalt, 16-20% grade must be concrete, and grades greater than 20% are not acceptable. Angle of departure of fire lanes or driveways cannot exceed 7 degrees, or 12%.
Roadways serving the parcels shall be designated on the Parcel Map as “Fire Access Road.”
All fire lanes less than 32 feet in width shall be marked “Fire Lane-No Parking” and shall be properly identified with signs and curb painting.